New Here?

We are so glad you have chosen to worship with us and want your introduction to this congregation to be a pleasant and welcoming experience. All God’s children are welcome here.



We warmly welcome you to our parish. St. Thomas Episcopal Church is an inclusive, affirming, safe community for all people. We are committed to making God’s love real and tangible in the world. We are a parish on the move and growing as a vibrant, dynamic and joyful beacon of hope.

Worship Times

Two services are held each Sunday, at 8:00AM and 10:30AM. The earlier service is more intimate and lasts one hour with Eucharist. The later service lasts one hour and fifteen minutes with Eucharist and a full choir. The prelude, congregational singing and announcements begin 15 minutes prior to each service.

Guest Info

We would love to get to know you better. Would you take a minute and answer a few questions for us so we can better serve you?


Have questions? We’ll do our best to answer them. Take a look at some common questions people ask, and if you don’t find what you need, contact us here.

Meet Our Staff

Check out the bios and contact info for our clergy and staff, and definitely get in touch with us if there’s anything we can do to make you feel at home.


We will do our best to answer your questions. If you don’t see your question answered below, please contact us.

Where will I find St. Thomas Episcopal Church?
We are centrally located in the heart of the Great Bridge area of Chesapeake, VA. The church is ½ mile off Battlefield Boulevard South at the corner of Cedar Road and Mann Drive. The address is 233 Mann Drive, Chesapeake, VA 23322.

Is there convenient parking?
When you turn onto Mann Drive, you will find parking lots on both sides of the church. Handicapped parking spaces are available along the driveway in front of the main entrance to the sanctuary as well as in the rear parking lot by the church office and parish hall.
When are worship services held?
Two services are held each Sunday, at 8:00AM and 10:30AM. The earlier service is more intimate and lasts one hour with Eucharist. The later service lasts one hour and fifteen minutes with Eucharist and a full choir. The prelude, congregational singing and announcements begin 15 minutes prior to each service.

Services are also held for special religious days such as Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Holy Week.

What should I wear?
Whatever you’re comfortable wearing! Some people dress casually in jeans, while others wear their Sunday finest. You will fit in no matter what you decide to wear.
Is childcare available?
Yes! A nursery is available for young children up to age 5 from 9:00AM – 12:30PM. Two adult nursery attendants are safe church-certified to provide care. If you plan to use childcare, plan to arrive about 20 minutes before the service to help your child get settled in the nursery.

We also love seeing children participate in the service and want them to feel welcome! Activity bags are available in the narthex to pick up and keep little ones engaged.

Will there be anyone to direct me to where I need to go?
You will find a welcome team to greet you in the parking lot as well as greeters and ushers in the narthex. Any of these persons can answer your questions, assist with mobility issues, locate the restroom, the nursery or sanctuary.
Will I be expected to identify myself as a visitor in worship?
No! We hope you will feel welcome and loved when you visit us. But we also understand that our visitors come to us with different expectations or circumstances and may want to remain invisible. We work hard to respect your desires. You will be offered a nametag to wear, but it is not required. Nor will you be expected to introduce yourself as a visitor to the congregation during the service.
What are the beliefs of the Episcopal Church?
We believe in a loving, liberating, and life-giving God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe in following the teachings of Jesus Christ, whose life, death, and resurrection saved the world. We have a legacy of inclusion, aspiring to tell and exemplify God’s love for every human being.
Will I be able to follow the service format?
We want you to feel welcome and included throughout the service. As you enter the church sanctuary you will be handed a bulletin that contains the order of worship and all readings, responses, prayers, and hymns. You will also be guided by our priest, chalicers, lay readers and ushers.
May I receive Communion?
You are invited to receive Communion (also referred to as the Eucharist) at God’s Table regardless of your religious background or life experience. Persons who question or have little faith are just as welcome to receive the sacraments as persons of great faith and tradition … wherever you may be in your journey.

Introduce Yourself

We would love a chance to get to know you. If you’d like to connect with us, please fill out the information below.

How do you prefer to be contacted?
Which of these ministry areas are you interested in connecting with?
Would you like a name tag?
May we add you to our email list?