Links and Resources
These are resources on other sites about the Episcopal Church and the Anglican tradition.
Diocese of Southern Virginia
The Episcopal Diocese of Southern Virginia includes approximately thirty thousand Episcopalians in 101 congregations between the Dan River and the Eastern Shore.
Episcopal Church, USA
The Episcopal Church welcomes all who worship Jesus Christ, in 111 dioceses and regional areas in 17 nations. The Episcopal Church is a member province of the worldwide Anglican Communion.
The Anglican Communion
The Anglican Communion is a family of churches in more than 165 countries. Read about what Anglicans/Episcopalians believe. Learn about their work in a wide range of ministries and activities.
Anglicans Online
Though no longer updated, this site served as the primary resource for information on Anglicanism for over 25 years. You can still find valuable resources here.
A Beginner's Guide to the Anglican Church
This site is aimed at people who’ve never been inside an Anglican church, or who are entirely new to Christianity. While it is part of the website of St John’s Roslyn, in Dunedin, most of the information is applicable to all Anglican churches.
Explore Faith
A collection of resources on faith and spirituality.
The Lectionary Page
The Revised Common Lectionary, published in 1992 and officially adopted by The Episcopal Church in 2006 is a three-year cycle of Sunday Eucharistic readings in which Matthew, Mark, and Luke are read in successive years with some material from John read in each year.